CUSTOM LOGO Pregnancy Wheel

PRegnancy CUSTOM LOGO.png
PRegnancy CUSTOM LOGO.png

CUSTOM LOGO Pregnancy Wheel

from $3,000.00

All development takes place in the context of a relationship. Welcoming a baby into the family begins during pregnancy and parents have much to do in preparation! Our newest MI-AIMH wheel, “You’re having a baby!” can be used in your helping relationship with families to encourage important reflections during each trimester about thoughts and feelings that expectant parents may be experiencing, developmental highlights during pregnancy, the adjustments that babies and parents must make to settle in with each other during the newborn period and on the back of the wheel how others can be supportive during pregnancy and the earliest days after birth.

Available in English and Spanish

An organization can include their own logo / QR code on the front and back of the wheels; minimum order of 1,000.

We no longer sell individual social emotional wheels; we only sell the customized versions. The Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health sells the individual wheels and you can purchase the here: MI-AIMH STORE.

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